What is DIR Floortime?

What is DIR Floortime?

What is DIR Floortime
DIR Floortime (Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based Floortime) is a therapeutic approach used by some occupational therapists and other professionals to support the development of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental challenges.
The DIR Floortime approach is based on the idea that children's development occurs in the context of their relationships with caregivers and other significant people in their lives. The approach emphasizes the importance of meeting children at their current developmental level, building upon their strengths, and using interactions with caregivers to promote emotional and cognitive growth.
The "Floortime" component of DIR Floortime refers to the idea that therapy sessions often take place on the floor, where children can engage in play-based activities with their therapist or caregiver. Through these interactions, the therapist seeks to engage the child's attention, promote engagement, and support the development of social, emotional, and cognitive skills.
The DIR Floortime approach is highly individualized, with therapists tailoring their interventions to the specific needs and interests of each child. The approach may involve a range of techniques, such as sensory-based interventions, play-based activities, and social communication training.
Overall, the goal of DIR Floortime is to support children's overall development, with a focus on promoting emotional and social growth, as well as cognitive and language development. The approach is often used in combination with other therapies and interventions, such as speech therapy and occupational therapy, to support children's progress and help them reach their full potential.
Learn more about DIR Floortime here: https://www.icdl.com/